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Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)

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Define Your Data Model

In this lesson, you’ll define and test a data model for the FoodTracker app. A data model represents the structure of the information stored in an app.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a data model

  • Write failable initializers for a custom class

  • Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the difference between failable and nonfailable initializers

  • Test a data model by writing and running unit tests

Create a Data Model

Now you’ll create a data model to store the information that the meal scene needs to display. To do so, you define a simple class with a name, a photo, and a rating.

To create a new data model class

  1. Choose File > New > File (or press Command-N).
    File > New > Fileを選んでください(またはコマンド-Nを押します)。

  2. At the top of the dialog that appears, select iOS.

  3. Select Swift File, and click Next.
    Swift Fileを選んで、Nextをクリックしてください。

    You’re using a different process to create this class than the RatingControl class you created earlier (iOS > Source > Cocoa Touch Class), because you’re defining a base class for your data model, which means it doesn’t need to inherit from any other classes.
    あなたは、以前にあなたが作成したRatingControlクラス(iOS > Source > Cocoa Touch Class)とは異なる過程でこのクラスを作成しています、なぜならあなたが定義しているのはあなたのデータモデルのためのベースクラスだからです、それが意味するのは、それが何ら他のクラスから継承する必要がないということです。

  4. In the Save As field, type Meal.
    Save As欄において、Mealをタイプしてください。

  5. The save location defaults to your project directory.

    The Group option defaults to your app name, FoodTracker.

    In the Targets section, your app is selected and the tests for your app are unselected.

  6. Leave these defaults as they are, and click Create.

    Xcode creates a file called Meal.swift. In the Project navigator, drag the Meal.swift file and position it under the other Swift files, if necessary.

In Swift, you can represent the name using a String, the photo using a UIImage, and the rating using an Int. Because a meal always has a name and rating but might not have a photo, make the UIImage an optional.

To define a data model for a meal

  1. If the assistant editor is open, return to the standard editor by clicking the Standard button.

    image: ../Art/standard_toggle_2x.png
  2. Open Meal.swift.

  3. Change the import statement to import UIKit instead of Foundation:

    1. import UIKit

    When Xcode creates a new Swift file, it imports the Foundation framework by default, letting you work with Foundation data structures in your code. You’ll also be working with a class from the UIKit framework, so you need to import UIKit. However, importing UIKit also gives you access to Foundation, so you can remove the redundant import to Foundation.

  4. Below the import statement, add the following code:

    1. class Meal {
    2. //MARK: Properties
    3. var name: String
    4. var photo: UIImage?
    5. var rating: Int
    6. }

    This code defines the basic properties for the data you need to store. You’re making these variables (var) instead of constants (let) because they’ll need to change throughout the course of a Meal object’s lifetime.

  5. Below the properties, add this code to declare an initializer:

    1. //MARK: Initialization
    2. init(name: String, photo: UIImage?, rating: Int) {
    3. }

    Recall that an initializer is a method that prepares an instance of a class for use, which involves setting an initial value for each property and performing any other setup or initialization.

  6. Fill out the basic implementation by setting the properties equal to the parameter values.

    1. // Initialize stored properties. (保存プロパティを初期化する)
    2. = name
    3. = photo
    4. self.rating = rating

    But what happens if you try to create a Meal with incorrect values, like an empty name or a negative rating? You’ll need to return nil to indicate that the item couldn’t be created, and has set to the default values. You need to add code to check for those cases and to return nil if they fail.

  7. Add the following code just above the code that initializes the stored properties.

    1. // Initialization should fail if there is no name or if the rating is negative. (初期化は、名前が無いならばまたは格付けが負数ならば、失敗するべきです。)
    2. if name.isEmpty || rating < 0 {
    3. return nil
    4. }

    This code validates the incoming parameters and returns nil if they contain invalid values.

    Note, the compiler should complain with an error stating, “Only failable initializers can return ‘nil’.”
    注意してください、コンパイラはエラー、「Only failable initializers can return ‘nil’」を公表して抗議します。

  8. Click the error icon to bring up the fix-it.

    image: ../Art/DYDM_init_fixit_2x.png
  9. Double-click the fix it to update your initializer. The initializer’s signature should now look like this:

    1. init?(name: String, photo: UIImage?, rating: Int) {

    Failable initializers always start with either init? or init!. These initializers return optional values or implicitly unwrapped optional values, respectively. Optionals can either contain a valid value or nil. You must check to see if the optional has a value, and then safely unwrap the value before you can use it. Implicitly unwrapped optionals are optionals, but the system implicitly unwraps them for you.

    In this case, your initializer returns an optional Meal? object.

At this point, your init?(name: String, photo: UIImage?, rating: Int) initializer should look like this:
この時点で、あなたのinit?(name: String, photo: UIImage?, rating: Int)イニシャライザはこのように見えるはずです:

  1. init?(name: String, photo: UIImage?, rating: Int) {
  2. // Initialization should fail if there is no name or if the rating is negative. (初期化は、名前が無いならばまたは格付けが負数ならば、失敗するべきです。)
  3. if name.isEmpty || rating < 0 {
  4. return nil
  5. }
  6. // Initialize stored properties. (保存プロパティを初期化する)
  7. = name
  8. = photo
  9. self.rating = rating
  10. }

Checkpoint: Build your project by choosing Product > Build (or pressing Command-B). You’re not using your new class for anything yet, but building it gives the compiler a chance to verify that you haven’t made any typing mistakes. If you have, fix them by reading through the warnings or errors that the compiler provides, and then look back over the instructions in this lesson to make sure everything looks the way it’s described here.
確認点:あなたのプロパティをProduct > Buildを選ぶこと(またはコマンド-Bを押すこと)によってビルドしてください。あなたはあなたの新しいクラスをまだ何にも使いません、しかしそれをビルドすることはコンパイラに機会を与えてあなたが何ひとつタイプし間違えなかったことを検証します。あなたがしていたら、それらをコンパイラが提供する警告やエラーをあちこち読んで修正してください、そしてそれからこのレッスンの指示をずっと振り返って、すべてのことがそれがここで説明されるようになっているか確かめてください。

Test Your Data

Although your data model code builds, you haven’t fully incorporated it into your app yet. As a result, it’s hard to tell whether you’ve implemented everything correctly, and if you might encounter edge cases that you haven’t considered at runtime.

To address this uncertainty, you can write unit tests. Unit tests are used for testing small, self-contained pieces of code to make sure they behave correctly. The Meal class is a perfect candidate for unit testing.

Xcode has already created a unit test file as part of the Single View Application template.
Xcodeは、既にユニットテストファイルをSingle View Applicationひな形の一部として作成しています。

To look at the unit test file for FoodTracker

  1. Open the FoodTrackerTests folder in the project navigator by clicking the disclosure triangle next to it.

    image: ../Art/DYDM_foodtrackertests_2x.png
  2. Open FoodTrackerTests.swift.

Take a moment to understand the code in the file so far.

  1. import XCTest
  2. @testable import FoodTracker
  3. class FoodTrackerTests: XCTestCase {
  4. override func setUp() {
  5. super.setUp()
  6. // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. // (準備コードをここに置きます。このメソッドはこのクラスの中の各テストメソッドの発動の前に呼ばれます。)
  7. }
  8. override func tearDown() {
  9. // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. // (解体コードをここに置きます。このメソッドはこのクラスの中の各テストメソッドの発動の後に呼ばれます)
  10. super.tearDown()
  11. }
  12. func testExample() {
  13. // This is an example of a functional test case. (これは機能テスト項目の例です。)
  14. // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.
  15. }
  16. func testPerformanceExample() {
  17. // This is an example of a performance test case. (これは性能テスト項目の例です。)
  18. self.measure {
  19. // Put the code you want to measure the time of here. (あなたが時間を測定したいコードをここに置きます。)
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }

The code starts by importing both the XCTest framework and your app.

Note that the code uses the @testable attribute when importing your app. This gives your tests access to the internal elements of your app’s code. Remember, Swift defaults to internal access control for all the types, variables, properties, initializers, and functions in your code. If you haven’t explicitly marked an item as file private or private, you can access it from your tests.

The XCTest framework is Xcode’s testing framework. The unit tests themselves are defined in a class, FoodTrackerTests, which inherits from XCTestCase. The code comments explain the setUp() and tearDown() methods, as well as the two sample test cases: testExample() and testPerformanceExample().
XCTestフレームワークは、Xcodeの持つテスト実行フレームワークです。ユニットテストそれ自身は、あるクラス、FoodTrackerTestsにおいて定義されます、それはXCTestCaseから継承します。コードコメントは、setUp()tearDown()メソッド、それだけでなく2つのサンプルテスト項目:testExample() and testPerformanceExample()を説明します。

The main types of tests you can write are functional tests (to check that everything is producing the values you expect) and performance tests (to check that your code is performing as fast as you expect it to). Because you haven’t written any performance-heavy code, you’ll only want to write functional tests for now.

Test cases are simply methods that the system automatically runs as part of your unit tests. To create a test case, create a method whose name starts with the word test. It’s best to give your test cases descriptive names. These names make it easier to identify individual tests later on. For example, a test that checks the Meal class’s initialization code could be named testMealInitialization.

To write a unit test for Meal object initialization

  1. In FoodTrackerTests.swift, you don’t need to use any of the template’s stub methods for this lesson. Delete the template’s methods. Your food tracker tests should appear as shown below:

    1. import XCTest
    2. @testable import FoodTracker
    3. class FoodTrackerTests: XCTestCase {
    4. }

  2. Before the last curly brace (}), add the following:

    1. //MARK: Meal Class Tests

    This is a comment to help you (and anybody else who reads your code) navigate through your tests and identify what they correspond to.

  3. Below the comment, add a new test case:

    1. // Confirm that the Meal initializer returns a Meal object when passed valid parameters.
    2. func testMealInitializationSucceeds() {
    3. }

    The system automatically runs this test case when the unit tests are run.

  4. Add tests to the test case that use both no rating and the highest positive rating.

    1. // Zero rating
    2. let zeroRatingMeal = Meal.init(name: "Zero", photo: nil, rating: 0)
    3. XCTAssertNotNil(zeroRatingMeal)
    4. // Highest positive rating
    5. let positiveRatingMeal = Meal.init(name: "Positive", photo: nil, rating: 5)
    6. XCTAssertNotNil(positiveRatingMeal)

    If the initializer is working as expected, these calls to init(name:, photo:, rating:) should succeed. XCTAssertNotNil verifies this, by checking that the returned Meal object is not nil.
    イニシャライザが予想するように機能しているならば、それらは init(name:, photo:, rating:)に対する呼び出しを成功するはずです。XCTAssertNotNilはこれを検証します、返されるMealオブジェクトがnilでないことを調べることによって。

  5. Now add a test case where the Meal class’s initialization should fail. Add the following method under the testMealInitializationSucceeds() method.

    1. // Confirm that the Meal initialier returns nil when passed a negative rating or an empty name. (負の格付けまたは空の名前を渡された時にMealがnilを返すことを確かめる。)
    2. func testMealInitializationFails() {
    3. }

    Again, the system automatically runs this test case when the unit tests are run.

  6. Now add tests to the test case that calls the initializer with invalid parameters.

    1. // Negative rating
    2. let negativeRatingMeal = Meal.init(name: "Negative", photo: nil, rating: -1)
    3. XCTAssertNil(negativeRatingMeal)
    4. // Empty String
    5. let emptyStringMeal = Meal.init(name: "", photo: nil, rating: 0)
    6. XCTAssertNil(emptyStringMeal)

    If the initializer is working as expected, these calls to init(name:, photo:, rating:) should fail. XCTAssertNil verifies this by checking that the returned Meal object is nil.
    イニシャライザが予想するように機能しているならば、それらは init(name:, photo:, rating:)に対する呼び出しに失敗するはずです。XCTAssertNotNilはこれを検証します、返されるMealオブジェクトがnilであることを調べることによって。

  7. So far, all of the tests should succeed. Now add a test that will fail. Add the following code between the negative rating and the empty string tests:

    1. // Rating exceeds maximum (格付けが最大限度を超える)
    2. let largeRatingMeal = Meal.init(name: "Large", photo: nil, rating: 6)
    3. XCTAssertNil(largeRatingMeal)

Your unit test class should look like this:

  1. class FoodTrackerTests: XCTestCase {

You can add additional XCTestCase subclasses to your FoodTrackerTests target to add additional test cases. Run all of your unit tests at the same time by choosing Product > Test (or pressing Command-U). You can also run an individual test.
あなたは、追加的なXCTestCaseサブクラスをFoodTrackerTestsターゲットに追加して、追加的なテスト項目を加えることができます。あなたのユニットテストの全てを同時に、Product > Testを選ぶこと(またはCommand-Uを押すこと)によって実行してください。あなたはまた、個々のテストを実行できます。

Checkpoint: Run your unit tests by selecting the Product > Test menu item. The testMealInitializationSucceeds() test case should succeed, while the testMealInitializationFails() test case fails.
確認点:あなたのユニットテストをProduct > Testメニュー項目を選択することによって実行してください。testMealInitializationSucceeds()テスト項目はうまくいくはずです、一方testMealInitializationFails()テスト項目は失敗します。

Notice that Xcode automatically opens the Test navigator on the left, and highlights the test that failed.

image: ../Art/DYDM_failtest_2x.png

The editor window shows the results of the currently open file. In this case, a test case fails if one or more of its test methods fail. A test method fails if one or more of its tests fail. In this example, only the XCTAssertNil(largeRatingMeal) test actually failed.

The Test navigator also lists the individual test methods, grouped by test case. Click the test method to navigate to its code in the editor. The icon to the right shows whether the test method succeeded or failed. You can rerun a test method by moving the mouse over the success or failure icon. When it turns into a play arrow icon, click it.

As you see, unit testing helps catch errors in your code. They also help to define your class’s expected behavior. In this case, the Meal class’s initializer fails if you pass an empty string or a negative rating, but doesn’t fail if you pass a rating greater than 5. Go back and fix that.

To fix the error

  1. In Meal.swift, find the init?(name:, photo:, rating:) method.
    Meal.swiftにおいて、init?(name:, photo:, rating:)メソッドを見つけてください。

  2. You could modify the if clause, but complex Boolean expressions get hard to understand. Instead, replace it with a series of checks. Furthermore, because you are validating data before letting code execute, use guard statements.

    A guard statement declares a condition that must be true in order for the code after the guard statement to be executed. If the condition is false, the guard statement’s else branch must exit the current code block (for example, by calling return, break, continue, throw, or a method that doesn’t return like fatalError(_:file:line:)).

    Replace this code:

    1. // Initialization should fail if there is no name or if the rating is negative. (初期化は、名前が無いならばまたは格付けが負数ならば、失敗するべきです。)
    2. if name.isEmpty || rating < 0 {
    3. return nil
    4. }

    With the following:

    1. // The name must not be empty
    2. guard !name.isEmpty else {
    3. return nil
    4. }
    5. // The rating must be between 0 and 5 inclusively
    6. guard (rating >= 0) && (rating <= 5) else {
    7. return nil
    8. }

Your init?(name:, photo:, rating:) method should look like this:
あなたのinit?(name:, photo:, rating:)メソッドは、このように見えるはずです:

  1. init?(name: String, photo: UIImage?, rating: Int) {
  2. // The name must not be empty
  3. guard !name.isEmpty else {
  4. return nil
  5. }
  6. // The rating must be between 0 and 5 inclusively
  7. guard (rating >= 0) && (rating <= 5) else {
  8. return nil
  9. }
  10. // Initialize stored properties. (保存プロパティを初期化する)
  11. = name
  12. = photo
  13. self.rating = rating
  14. }

Checkpoint: Your app runs with the unit test you just wrote. All test cases should pass.

image: ../Art/DYDM_passtest_2x.png

Unit testing is an essential part of writing code because it helps you catch errors that you might otherwise overlook. As implied by their name, it’s important to keep unit tests modular. Each test should check for a specific, basic type of behavior. If you write unit tests that are long or complicated, it’ll be harder to track down exactly what’s going wrong.

Wrapping Up

In this lesson, you built a model class to hold your app’s data. You also examined the difference between regular initializers and failable initializers. Finally, you added a couple of unit tests to help you find and fix bugs in your code.

In later lessons, you will use model objects in your app’s code to create and manage the list of meals. However, before you do that, you need to learn how to display a list of meals using a table view.