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The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4.1)

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In Swift, there are four kinds of expressions: prefix expressions, binary expressions, primary expressions, and postfix expressions. Evaluating an expression returns a value, causes a side effect, or both.

Prefix and binary expressions let you apply operators to smaller expressions. Primary expressions are conceptually the simplest kind of expression, and they provide a way to access values. Postfix expressions, like prefix and binary expressions, let you build up more complex expressions using postfixes such as function calls and member access. Each kind of expression is described in detail in the sections below.

Grammar of an expression

expression try-operator­opt­prefix-expression­binary-expressions­opt­

expression-list expression­ expression­expression-list­

Prefix Expressions

Prefix expressions combine an optional prefix operator with an expression. Prefix operators take one argument, the expression that follows them.

For information about the behavior of these operators, see Basic Operators and Advanced Operators.

For information about the operators provided by the Swift standard library, see Operator Declarations.

In addition to the standard library operators, you use & immediately before the name of a variable that’s being passed as an in-out argument to a function call expression. For more information and to see an example, see In-Out Parameters.

Grammar of a prefix expression

prefix-expression prefix-operator­opt­postfix-expression­

prefix-expression in-out-expression­

in-out-expression identifier­

Try Operator

A try expression consists of the try operator followed by an expression that can throw an error. It has the following form:

  • try expression

An optional-try expression consists of the try? operator followed by an expression that can throw an error. It has the following form:

  • try? expression

If the expression does not throw an error, the value of the optional-try expression is an optional containing the value of the expression. Otherwise, the value of the optional-try expression is nil.

A forced-try expression consists of the try! operator followed by an expression that can throw an error. It has the following form:

  • try! expression

If the expression throws an error, a runtime error is produced.

When the expression on the left-hand side of a binary operator is marked with try, try?, or try!, that operator applies to the whole binary expression. That said, you can use parentheses to be explicit about the scope of the operator’s application.

  1. sum = try someThrowingFunction() + anotherThrowingFunction() // try applies to both function calls (tryは、両方の関数呼び出しに適用されます)
  2. sum = try (someThrowingFunction() + anotherThrowingFunction()) // try applies to both function calls (tryは、両方の関数呼び出しに適用されます)
  3. sum = (try someThrowingFunction()) + anotherThrowingFunction() // Error: try applies only to the first function call (エラー:tryは、最初の関数呼び出しだけに適用されます)

A try expression can’t appear on the right-hand side of a binary operator, unless the binary operator is the assignment operator or the try expression is enclosed in parentheses.

For more information and to see examples of how to use try, try?, and try!, see Error Handling.

Grammar of a try expression

try-operator try­ try­ try­

Binary Expressions

Binary expressions combine an infix binary operator with the expression that it takes as its left-hand and right-hand arguments. It has the following form:

  • left-hand argument operator right-hand argument

For information about the behavior of these operators, see Basic Operators and Advanced Operators.

For information about the operators provided by the Swift standard library, see Operator Declarations.

Grammar of a binary expression

binary-expression binary-operator­prefix-expression­

binary-expression assignment-operator­try-operator­opt­prefix-expression­

binary-expression conditional-operator­try-operator­opt­prefix-expression­

binary-expression type-casting-operator­

binary-expressions binary-expression­binary-expressions­opt­

Assignment Operator

The assignment operator sets a new value for a given expression. It has the following form:

  • expression = value

The value of the expression is set to the value obtained by evaluating the value. If the expression is a tuple, the value must be a tuple with the same number of elements. (Nested tuples are allowed.) Assignment is performed from each part of the value to the corresponding part of the expression. For example:

  1. (a, _, (b, c)) = ("test", 9.45, (12, 3))
  2. // a is "test", b is 12, c is 3, and 9.45 is ignored (aは「test」です、bは12です、cは3です、そして9.45は無視されます)

The assignment operator does not return any value.

Grammar of an assignment operator


Ternary Conditional Operator

The ternary conditional operator evaluates to one of two given values based on the value of a condition. It has the following form:

  • condition ? expression used if true : expression used if false

If the condition evaluates to true, the conditional operator evaluates the first expression and returns its value. Otherwise, it evaluates the second expression and returns its value. The unused expression is not evaluated.

For an example that uses the ternary conditional operator, see Ternary Conditional Operator.

Grammar of a conditional operator

conditional-operator expression­

Type-Casting Operators

There are four type-casting operators: the is operator, the as operator, the as? operator, and the as! operator.

They have the following form:

  • expression is type
  • expression as type
  • expression as? type
  • expression as! type

The is operator checks at runtime whether the expression can be cast to the specified type. It returns true if the expression can be cast to the specified type; otherwise, it returns false.

The as operator performs a cast when it is known at compile time that the cast always succeeds, such as upcasting or bridging. Upcasting lets you use an expression as an instance of its type’s supertype, without using an intermediate variable. The following approaches are equivalent:

  1. func f(_ any: Any) { print("Function for Any") }
  2. func f(_ int: Int) { print("Function for Int") }
  3. let x = 10
  4. f(x)
  5. // Prints "Function for Int"
  6. let y: Any = x
  7. f(y)
  8. // Prints "Function for Any"
  9. f(x as Any)
  10. // Prints "Function for Any"

Bridging lets you use an expression of a Swift standard library type such as String as its corresponding Foundation type such as NSString without needing to create a new instance. For more information on bridging, see Working with Cocoa Data Types in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Swift 4.1).
ブリッジは、あなたにStringのようなスウィフト標準ライブラリ型の式を、NSStringのようなそれの対応しているFoundation型として使用させます、新しいインスタンスを作成する必要なしに。ブリッジに関する更なる情報として、ココアデータ型を扱うSwiftをCocoaとObjective-Cと共に使う(Swift 4.1)で見てください。

The as? operator performs a conditional cast of the expression to the specified type. The as? operator returns an optional of the specified type. At runtime, if the cast succeeds, the value of expression is wrapped in an optional and returned; otherwise, the value returned is nil. If casting to the specified type is guaranteed to fail or is guaranteed to succeed, a compile-time error is raised.

The as! operator performs a forced cast of the expression to the specified type. The as! operator returns a value of the specified type, not an optional type. If the cast fails, a runtime error is raised. The behavior of x as! T is the same as the behavior of (x as? T)!.
as!演算子はの指定されたへの強制的なキャストを実行します。as!演算子は指定されたの値を返します、オプショナル型ではなく。キャストが失敗したならば、実行時エラーが引き起こされます。x as! Tの挙動は、(x as? T)!の挙動と同じです。

For more information about type casting and to see examples that use the type-casting operators, see Type Casting.

Grammar of a type-casting operator

type-casting-operator is­type­

type-casting-operator as­type­

type-casting-operator as­type­

type-casting-operator as­type­

Primary Expressions

Primary expressions are the most basic kind of expression. They can be used as expressions on their own, and they can be combined with other tokens to make prefix expressions, binary expressions, and postfix expressions.

Grammar of a primary expression

primary-expression identifier­generic-argument-clause­opt­

primary-expression literal-expression­

primary-expression self-expression­

primary-expression superclass-expression­

primary-expression closure-expression­

primary-expression parenthesized-expression­

primary-expression tuple-expression­

primary-expression implicit-member-expression­

primary-expression wildcard-expression­

primary-expression key-path-expression­

primary-expression selector-expression­

primary-expression key-path-string-expression­

Literal Expression

A literal expression consists of either an ordinary literal (such as a string or a number), an array or dictionary literal, a playground literal, or one of the following special literals:






The name of the file in which it appears.



The line number on which it appears.



The column number in which it begins.



The name of the declaration in which it appears.

Inside a function, the value of #function is the name of that function, inside a method it is the name of that method, inside a property getter or setter it is the name of that property, inside special members like init or subscript it is the name of that keyword, and at the top level of a file it is the name of the current module.

When used as the default value of a function or method parameter, the special literal’s value is determined when the default value expression is evaluated at the call site.

  1. func logFunctionName(string: String = #function) {
  2. print(string)
  3. }
  4. func myFunction() {
  5. logFunctionName() // Prints "myFunction()".
  6. }

An array literal is an ordered collection of values. It has the following form:

  • [value 1, value 2, ...]

The last expression in the array can be followed by an optional comma. The value of an array literal has type [T], where T is the type of the expressions inside it. If there are expressions of multiple types, T is their closest common supertype. Empty array literals are written using an empty pair of square brackets and can be used to create an empty array of a specified type.

  1. var emptyArray: [Double] = []

A dictionary literal is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. It has the following form:

  • [key 1: value 1, key 2: value 2, ...]

The last expression in the dictionary can be followed by an optional comma. The value of a dictionary literal has type [Key: Value], where Key is the type of its key expressions and Value is the type of its value expressions. If there are expressions of multiple types, Key and Value are the closest common supertype for their respective values. An empty dictionary literal is written as a colon inside a pair of brackets ([:]) to distinguish it from an empty array literal. You can use an empty dictionary literal to create an empty dictionary literal of specified key and value types.
辞書の最後の式の後に、1つの任意のコンマが続くことができます。辞書リテラルの値は、型[Key: Value]を持ちます、そこで、Keyはそのキーの式の型です、そして、Valueはその値の式の型です。複数の型の式があるならば、KeyValueはそれらめいめいの値に対して最も近い共通のスーパー型です。空の辞書リテラルは、一対の角括弧の中のコロン([:])として書かれることで、空の配列リテラルからそれを区別します。あなたは、空の辞書リテラルを使って、指定されたキーと値型の空の辞書リテラルを作成できます。

  1. var emptyDictionary: [String: Double] = [:]

A playground literal is used by Xcode to create an interactive representation of a color, file, or image within the program editor. Playground literals in plain text outside of Xcode are represented using a special literal syntax.

For information on using playground literals in Xcode, see Xcode Help > Use playgrounds > Add a literal.
Xcodeにおけるプレイグラウンドリテラルの使用に関するさらなる情報として、Xcode Help > Use playgrounds > Add a literal を見てください。

Grammar of a literal expression

literal-expression literal­

literal-expression array-literal­ dictionary-literal­ playground-literal­

literal-expression #file­ #line­ #column­ #function­

array-literal array-literal-items­opt­

array-literal-items array-literal-item­opt­ array-literal-item­array-literal-items­

array-literal-item expression­

dictionary-literal dictionary-literal-items­

dictionary-literal-items dictionary-literal-item­opt­ dictionary-literal-item­dictionary-literal-items­

dictionary-literal-item expression­expression­

playground-literal #colorLiteral­red­expression­green­expression­blue­expression­alpha­expression­

playground-literal #fileLiteral­resourceName­expression­

playground-literal #imageLiteral­resourceName­expression­

Self Expression

The self expression is an explicit reference to the current type or instance of the type in which it occurs. It has the following forms:

  • self
  • self.member name
  • self[subscript index]
  • self(initializer arguments)
  • self.init(initializer arguments)

In an initializer, subscript, or instance method, self refers to the current instance of the type in which it occurs. In a type method, self refers to the current type in which it occurs.

The self expression is used to specify scope when accessing members, providing disambiguation when there is another variable of the same name in scope, such as a function parameter. For example:

  1. class SomeClass {
  2. var greeting: String
  3. init(greeting: String) {
  4. self.greeting = greeting
  5. }
  6. }

In a mutating method of a value type, you can assign a new instance of that value type to self. For example:

  1. struct Point {
  2. var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
  3. mutating func moveBy(x deltaX: Double, y deltaY: Double) {
  4. self = Point(x: x + deltaX, y: y + deltaY)
  5. }
  6. }

Grammar of a self expression

self-method-expression self­identifier­

self-subscript-expression self­function-call-argument-list­

self-initializer-expression self­init­

Superclass Expression

A superclass expression lets a class interact with its superclass. It has one of the following forms:

  • super.member name
  • super[subscript index]
  • super.init(initializer arguments)

The first form is used to access a member of the superclass. The second form is used to access the superclass’s subscript implementation. The third form is used to access an initializer of the superclass.

Subclasses can use a superclass expression in their implementation of members, subscripting, and initializers to make use of the implementation in their superclass.

Grammar of a superclass expression

superclass-method-expression super­identifier­

superclass-subscript-expression super­function-call-argument-list­

superclass-initializer-expression super­init­

Closure Expression

A closure expression creates a closure, also known as a lambda or an anonymous function in other programming languages. Like a function declaration, a closure contains statements, and it captures constants and variables from its enclosing scope. It has the following form:

  • { (parameters) -> return type in
  •     statements
  • }

The parameters have the same form as the parameters in a function declaration, as described in Function Declaration.

There are several special forms that allow closures to be written more concisely:

  • A closure can omit the types of its parameters, its return type, or both. If you omit the parameter names and both types, omit the in keyword before the statements. If the omitted types can’t be inferred, a compile-time error is raised.

  • A closure may omit names for its parameters. Its parameters are then implicitly named $ followed by their position: $0, $1, $2, and so on.

  • A closure that consists of only a single expression is understood to return the value of that expression. The contents of this expression are also considered when performing type inference on the surrounding expression.

The following closure expressions are equivalent:

  1. myFunction { (x: Int, y: Int) -> Int in
  2. return x + y
  3. }
  4. myFunction { x, y in
  5. return x + y
  6. }
  7. myFunction { return $0 + $1 }
  8. myFunction { $0 + $1 }

For information about passing a closure as an argument to a function, see Function Call Expression.

Closure expressions can be used without being stored in a variable or constant, such as when you immediately use a closure as part of a function call. The closure expressions passed to myFunction in code above are examples of this kind of immediate use. As a result, whether a closure expression is escaping or nonescaping depends on the surrounding context of the expression. A closure expression is nonescaping if it is called immediately or passed as a nonescaping function argument. Otherwise, the closure expression is escaping.

For more information about escaping closures, see Escaping Closures.

Capture Lists

By default, a closure expression captures constants and variables from its surrounding scope with strong references to those values. You can use a capture list to explicitly control how values are captured in a closure.

A capture list is written as a comma-separated list of expressions surrounded by square brackets, before the list of parameters. If you use a capture list, you must also use the in keyword, even if you omit the parameter names, parameter types, and return type.

The entries in the capture list are initialized when the closure is created. For each entry in the capture list, a constant is initialized to the value of the constant or variable that has the same name in the surrounding scope. For example in the code below, a is included in the capture list but b is not, which gives them different behavior.

  1. var a = 0
  2. var b = 0
  3. let closure = { [a] in
  4. print(a, b)
  5. }
  6. a = 10
  7. b = 10
  8. closure()
  9. // Prints "0 10"

There are two different things named a, the variable in the surrounding scope and the constant in the closure’s scope, but only one variable named b. The a in the inner scope is initialized with the value of the a in the outer scope when the closure is created, but their values are not connected in any special way. This means that a change to the value of a in the outer scope does not affect the value of a in the inner scope, nor does a change to a inside the closure affect the value of a outside the closure. In contrast, there is only one variable named b—the b in the outer scope—so changes from inside or outside the closure are visible in both places.
aと名前をつけられる2つの異なるものがあります、囲んでいるスコープにおける変数とクロージャのスコープにおける定数、しかしbと名前をつけられる変数はただひとつのものです。内側のスコープの中のaは、クロージャが作成される時に外側のスコープの中のaの値で初期化されます、しかしそれらの値は何ら特別な方法で結びつけられません。これが意味するのは、外側のスコープのaの値に対する変更は内側のスコープのaの値に影響を及ぼさない、そしてまたクロージャ内部のaに対する変更はクロージャ外部のaに影響を及ぼさないということです。対照的に、bと名前を付けられるただ1つだけの変数があります ― 外側のスコープの中のb ― それでクロージャ内部および外部からの変更は、両方の場所で見ることができます。

This distinction is not visible when the captured variable’s type has reference semantics. For example, there are two things named x in the code below, a variable in the outer scope and a constant in the inner scope, but they both refer to the same object because of reference semantics.

  1. class SimpleClass {
  2. var value: Int = 0
  3. }
  4. var x = SimpleClass()
  5. var y = SimpleClass()
  6. let closure = { [x] in
  7. print(x.value, y.value)
  8. }
  9. x.value = 10
  10. y.value = 10
  11. closure()
  12. // Prints "10 10"

If the type of the expression’s value is a class, you can mark the expression in a capture list with weak or unowned to capture a weak or unowned reference to the expression’s value.

  1. myFunction { print(self.title) } // strong capture (強いキャプチャ)
  2. myFunction { [weak self] in print(self!.title) } // weak capture (弱いキャプチャ)
  3. myFunction { [unowned self] in print(self.title) } // unowned capture (非所有者キャプチャ)

You can also bind an arbitrary expression to a named value in a capture list. The expression is evaluated when the closure is created, and the value is captured with the specified strength. For example:

  1. // Weak capture of "self.parent" as "parent" (「parent」としての弱いキャプチャ「self.parent」)
  2. myFunction { [weak parent = self.parent] in print(parent!.title) }

For more information and examples of closure expressions, see Closure Expressions. For more information and examples of capture lists, see Resolving Strong Reference Cycles for Closures.

Grammar of a closure expression

closure-expression closure-signature­opt­statements­opt­

closure-signature capture-list­opt­closure-parameter-clause­throws­opt­function-result­opt­in­

closure-signature capture-list­in­

closure-parameter-clause closure-parameter-list­ identifier-list­

closure-parameter-list closure-parameter­ closure-parameter­closure-parameter-list­

closure-parameter closure-parameter-name­type-annotation­opt­

closure-parameter closure-parameter-name­type-annotation­...­

closure-parameter-name identifier­

capture-list capture-list-items­

capture-list-items capture-list-item­ capture-list-item­capture-list-items­

capture-list-item capture-specifier­opt­expression­

capture-specifier weak­ unowned­ unowned(safe)­ unowned(unsafe)­

Implicit Member Expression

An implicit member expression is an abbreviated way to access a member of a type, such as an enumeration case or a type method, in a context where type inference can determine the implied type. It has the following form:

  • .member name

For example:

  1. var x = MyEnumeration.someValue
  2. x = .anotherValue

Grammar of a implicit member expression

implicit-member-expression identifier­

Parenthesized Expression

A parenthesized expression consists of an expression surrounded by parentheses. You can use parentheses to specify the precedence of operations by explicitly grouping expressions. Grouping parentheses don’t change an expression’s type—for example, the type of (1) is simply Int.
括弧に入れられた式は、丸括弧で囲まれたある式から成ります。あなたは丸括弧を使って、明示的にいくらかの式をグループにまとめることによって演算の優先順位を指定することができます。グループ化括弧はある式のもつ型を変えません — 例えば、(1)の型は単にIntです。

Grammar of a parenthesized expression

parenthesized-expression expression­

Tuple Expression

A tuple expression consists of a comma-separated list of expressions surrounded by parentheses. Each expression can have an optional identifier before it, separated by a colon (:). It has the following form:

  • (identifier 1: expression 1, identifier 2: expression 2, ...)

A tuple expression can contain zero expressions, or it can contain two or more expressions. A single expression inside parentheses is a parenthesized expression.

Grammar of a tuple expression

tuple-expression tuple-element­tuple-element-list­

tuple-element-list tuple-element­ tuple-element­tuple-element-list­

tuple-element expression­ identifier­expression­

Wildcard Expression

A wildcard expression is used to explicitly ignore a value during an assignment. For example, in the following assignment 10 is assigned to x and 20 is ignored:

  1. (x, _) = (10, 20)
  2. // x is 10, and 20 is ignored (xは10です、そして20は無視されます)

Grammar of a wildcard expression


Key-Path Expression

A key-path expression refers to a property or subscript of a type. You use key-path expressions in dynamic programming tasks, such as key-value observing. They have the following form:

  • \type name.path

The type name is the name of a concrete type, including any generic parameters, such as String, [Int], or Set<Int>.
type nameは、ある具象型の名前で、何らかの総称体パラメータを含みます、例えばString[Int]、またはSet<Int>など。

The path consists of property names, subscripts, optional chaining expressions, and forced unwrapping expressions. Each of these key-path components can be repeated as many times as needed, in any order.

At compile time, a key-path expression is replaced by an instance of the KeyPath class.

To access a value using a key path, pass the key path to the subscript(keyPath:) subscript, which is available on all types. For example:

  1. struct SomeStructure {
  2. var someValue: Int
  3. }
  4. let s = SomeStructure(someValue: 12)
  5. let pathToProperty = \SomeStructure.someValue
  6. let value = s[keyPath: pathToProperty]
  7. // value is 12 (valueは12です)

The type name can be omitted in contexts where type inference can determine the implied type. The following code uses \.someProperty instead of \SomeClass.someProperty:
type nameは、型推論が暗黙の型を判定できるところの文脈では省略できます。以下のコードは、\.someProperty\SomeClass.somePropertyの代わりに使います:

  1. class SomeClass: NSObject {
  2. @objc var someProperty: Int
  3. init(someProperty: Int) {
  4. self.someProperty = someProperty
  5. }
  6. }
  7. let c = SomeClass(someProperty: 10)
  8. c.observe(\.someProperty) { object, change in
  9. // ...
  10. }

The path can contain multiple property names, separated by periods, to refer to a property of a property’s value. This code uses the key path expression \OuterStructure.outer.someValue to access the someValue property of the OuterStructure type’s outer property:

  1. struct OuterStructure {
  2. var outer: SomeStructure
  3. init(someValue: Int) {
  4. self.outer = SomeStructure(someValue: someValue)
  5. }
  6. }
  7. let nested = OuterStructure(someValue: 24)
  8. let nestedKeyPath = \OuterStructure.outer.someValue
  9. let nestedValue = nested[keyPath: nestedKeyPath]
  10. // nestedValue is 24

The path can include subscripts using brackets, as long as the subscript’s parameter type conforms to the Hashable protocol. This example uses a subscript in a key path to access the second element of an array:

  1. let greetings = ["hello", "hola", "bonjour", "안녕"]
  2. let myGreeting = greetings[keyPath: \[String].[1]]
  3. // myGreeting is 'hola'

The value used in a subscript can be a named value or a literal. Values are captured in key paths using value semantics. The following code uses the variable index in both a key-path expression and in a closure to access the third element of the greetings array. When index is modified, the key-path expression still references the third element, while the closure uses the new index.

  1. var index = 2
  2. let path = \[String].[index]
  3. let fn: ([String]) -> String = { strings in strings[index] }
  4. print(greetings[keyPath: path])
  5. // Prints "bonjour"
  6. print(fn(greetings))
  7. // Prints "bonjour"
  8. // Setting 'index' to a new value doesn't affect 'path' ('index'を新しい値に設定することは、'path'に影響を与えない)
  9. index += 1
  10. print(greetings[keyPath: path])
  11. // Prints "bonjour"
  12. // Because 'fn' closes over 'index', it uses the new value ('fn'が'index'をしっかり掴むので、それは新しい値を使います)
  13. print(fn(greetings))
  14. // Prints "안녕"

The path can use optional chaining and forced unwrapping. This code uses optional chaining in a key path to access a property of an optional string:

  1. let firstGreeting: String? = greetings.first
  2. print(firstGreeting?.count as Any)
  3. // Prints "Optional(5)"
  4. // Do the same thing using a key path. (同じことをキーパスを使って行う。)
  5. let count = greetings[keyPath: \[String].first?.count]
  6. print(count as Any)
  7. // Prints "Optional(5)"

You can mix and match components of key paths to access values that are deeply nested within a type. The following code accesses different values and properties of a dictionary of arrays by using key-path expressions that combine these components.

  1. let interestingNumbers = ["prime": [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15],
  2. "triangular": [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28],
  3. "hexagonal": [1, 6, 15, 28, 45, 66, 91]]
  4. print(interestingNumbers[keyPath: \[String: [Int]].["prime"]] as Any)
  5. // Prints "Optional([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15])"
  6. print(interestingNumbers[keyPath: \[String: [Int]].["prime"]![0]])
  7. // Prints "2" (「2」を出力します)
  8. print(interestingNumbers[keyPath: \[String: [Int]].["hexagonal"]!.count])
  9. // Prints "7" (「7」を出力します)
  10. print(interestingNumbers[keyPath: \[String: [Int]].["hexagonal"]!.count.bitWidth])
  11. // Prints "64" (「64」を出力します)

For more information about using key paths in code that interacts with Objective-C APIs, see Keys and Key Paths in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Swift 4.1). For information about key-value coding and key-value observing, see Key-Value Coding Programming Guide and Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.
Objective-C APIと相互作用するコードにおけるキーパスの使用についての更なる情報として、キーとキーパスSwiftをCocoaとObjective-Cと共に使う(Swift 4.1)で見てください。キー値コーディングとキー値監視についての情報として、キー値コーディングプログラミングガイド(日本語文書)とキー値監視プログラミングガイド(日本語文書)を見てください。

Grammar of a key-path expression

key-path-expression type­opt­key-path-components­

key-path-components key-path-component­ key-path-component­key-path-components­

key-path-component identifier­key-path-postfixes­opt­ key-path-postfixes­

key-path-postfixes key-path-postfix­key-path-postfixes­opt­

key-path-postfix function-call-argument-list­

Selector Expression

A selector expression lets you access the selector used to refer to a method or to a property’s getter or setter in Objective-C. It has the following form:

  • #selector(method name)
  • #selector(getter: property name)
  • #selector(setter: property name)

The method name and property name must be a reference to a method or a property that is available in the Objective-C runtime. The value of a selector expression is an instance of the Selector type. For example:
method nameproperty nameは、あるメソッドおよびプロパティへの参照で、それはObjective-Cランタイムにおいて利用可能なものでなければなりません。セレクタ式の値は、Selector型のインスタンスです。例えば:

  1. class SomeClass: NSObject {
  2. @objc let property: String
  3. @objc(doSomethingWithInt:)
  4. func doSomething(_ x: Int) {}
  5. init(property: String) {
  6. = property
  7. }
  8. }
  9. let selectorForMethod = #selector(SomeClass.doSomething(_:))
  10. let selectorForPropertyGetter = #selector(getter:

When creating a selector for a property’s getter, the property name can be a reference to a variable or constant property. In contrast, when creating a selector for a property’s setter, the property name must be a reference to a variable property only.
プロパティのゲッターのためのセレクタを作成するとき、property nameは変数または定数プロパティへの参照であることができます。対照的に、プロパティのセッターのためのセレクタを作成するとき、property nameは必ず変数プロパティへの参照でなければなりません。

The method name can contain parentheses for grouping, as well the as operator to disambiguate between methods that share a name but have different type signatures. For example:
method nameは、グループにまとめるための丸括弧、その上に、名前を共有するが異なる型シグネチャを持つメソッド間の違いを明確にするためにas演算子を含むことができます。例えば:

  1. extension SomeClass {
  2. @objc(doSomethingWithString:)
  3. func doSomething(_ x: String) { }
  4. }
  5. let anotherSelector = #selector(SomeClass.doSomething(_:) as (SomeClass) -> (String) -> Void)

Because a selector is created at compile time, not at runtime, the compiler can check that a method or property exists and that they’re exposed to the Objective-C runtime.

For more information about using selectors in Swift code that interacts with Objective-C APIs, see Objective-C Selectors in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Swift 4.1).
Objective-C APIと相互作用するスウィフトコードにおいてセレクタを使うことについての更なる情報として、Objective-CセレクタSwiftをCocoaとObjective-Cと共に使う (Swift 4.1)において見てください。

Grammar of a selector expression

selector-expression #selector­expression­

selector-expression #selector­getter:­expression­

selector-expression #selector­setter:­expression­

Key-Path String Expression

A key-path string expression lets you access the string used to refer to a property in Objective-C, for use in key-value coding and key-value observing APIs. It has the following form:

  • #keyPath(property name)

The property name must be a reference to a property that is available in the Objective-C runtime. At compile time, the key-path string expression is replaced by a string literal. For example:
property nameは、Objective-Cランタイムにおいて利用可能であるプロパティへの参照でなければなりません。コンパイル時で、キーパス文字列式は文字列リテラルによって置き換えられます。例えば:

  1. class SomeClass: NSObject {
  2. @objc var someProperty: Int
  3. init(someProperty: Int) {
  4. self.someProperty = someProperty
  5. }
  6. }
  7. let c = SomeClass(someProperty: 12)
  8. let keyPath = #keyPath(SomeClass.someProperty)
  9. if let value = c.value(forKey: keyPath) {
  10. print(value)
  11. }
  12. // Prints "12"

When you use a key-path string expression within a class, you can refer to a property of that class by writing just the property name, without the class name.

  1. extension SomeClass {
  2. func getSomeKeyPath() -> String {
  3. return #keyPath(someProperty)
  4. }
  5. }
  6. print(keyPath == c.getSomeKeyPath())
  7. // Prints "true" (「true」を出力します)

Because the key path string is created at compile time, not at runtime, the compiler can check that the property exists and that the property is exposed to the Objective-C runtime.

For more information about using key paths in Swift code that interacts with Objective-C APIs, see Keys and Key Paths in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Swift 4.1). For information about key-value coding and key-value observing, see Key-Value Coding Programming Guide and Key-Value Observing Programming Guide.
Objective-C APIと相互作用するスウィフトコードにおいてキーパスを使う事についての更なる情報として、キーとキーパスSwiftをCocoaとObjective-Cと共に使う (Swift 4.1)で見てください。キー値コーディングとキー値監視についての情報として、キー値コーディングプログラミングガイド(日本語文書)とキー値監視プログラミングガイド(日本語文書)を見てください。

Grammar of a key-path string expression

key-path-string-expression #keyPath­expression­

Postfix Expressions

Postfix expressions are formed by applying a postfix operator or other postfix syntax to an expression. Syntactically, every primary expression is also a postfix expression.

For information about the behavior of these operators, see Basic Operators and Advanced Operators.

For information about the operators provided by the Swift standard library, see Operator Declarations.

Grammar of a postfix expression

postfix-expression primary-expression­

postfix-expression postfix-expression­postfix-operator­

postfix-expression function-call-expression­

postfix-expression initializer-expression­

postfix-expression explicit-member-expression­

postfix-expression postfix-self-expression­

postfix-expression subscript-expression­

postfix-expression forced-value-expression­

postfix-expression optional-chaining-expression­

Function Call Expression

A function call expression consists of a function name followed by a comma-separated list of the function’s arguments in parentheses. Function call expressions have the following form:

  • function name(argument value 1, argument value 2)

The function name can be any expression whose value is of a function type.

If the function definition includes names for its parameters, the function call must include names before its argument values separated by a colon (:). This kind of function call expression has the following form:

  • function name(argument name 1: argument value 1, argument name 2: argument value 2)

A function call expression can include a trailing closure in the form of a closure expression immediately after the closing parenthesis. The trailing closure is understood as an argument to the function, added after the last parenthesized argument. The following function calls are equivalent:

  1. // someFunction takes an integer and a closure as its arguments (someFunctionは、その引数として整数とクロージャをとります)
  2. someFunction(x: x, f: {$0 == 13})
  3. someFunction(x: x) {$0 == 13}

If the trailing closure is the function’s only argument, the parentheses can be omitted.

  1. // someMethod takes a closure as its only argument
  2. myData.someMethod() {$0 == 13}
  3. myData.someMethod {$0 == 13}

Grammar of a function call expression

function-call-expression postfix-expression­function-call-argument-clause­

function-call-expression postfix-expression­function-call-argument-clause­opt­trailing-closure­

function-call-argument-clause function-call-argument-list­

function-call-argument-list function-call-argument­ function-call-argument­function-call-argument-list­

function-call-argument expression­ identifier­expression­

function-call-argument operator­ identifier­operator­

trailing-closure closure-expression­

Initializer Expression

An initializer expression provides access to a type’s initializer. It has the following form:

  • expression.init(initializer arguments)

You use the initializer expression in a function call expression to initialize a new instance of a type. You also use an initializer expression to delegate to the initializer of a superclass.

  1. class SomeSubClass: SomeSuperClass {
  2. override init() {
  3. // subclass initialization goes here (サブクラスの初期化が、ここにきます)
  4. super.init()
  5. }
  6. }

Like a function, an initializer can be used as a value. For example:

  1. // Type annotation is required because String has multiple initializers. (型注釈は必須です、なぜならStringは複数のイニシャライザを持つからです)
  2. let initializer: (Int) -> String = String.init
  3. let oneTwoThree = [1, 2, 3].map(initializer).reduce("", +)
  4. print(oneTwoThree)
  5. // Prints "123"

If you specify a type by name, you can access the type’s initializer without using an initializer expression. In all other cases, you must use an initializer expression.

  1. let s1 = SomeType.init(data: 3) // Valid
  2. let s2 = SomeType(data: 1) // Also valid
  3. let s3 = type(of: someValue).init(data: 7) // Valid
  4. let s4 = type(of: someValue)(data: 5) // Error

Grammar of an initializer expression

initializer-expression postfix-expression­init­

initializer-expression postfix-expression­init­argument-names­

Explicit Member Expression

An explicit member expression allows access to the members of a named type, a tuple, or a module. It consists of a period (.) between the item and the identifier of its member.

  • expression.member name

The members of a named type are named as part of the type’s declaration or extension. For example:

  1. class SomeClass {
  2. var someProperty = 42
  3. }
  4. let c = SomeClass()
  5. let y = c.someProperty // Member access

The members of a tuple are implicitly named using integers in the order they appear, starting from zero. For example:

  1. var t = (10, 20, 30)
  2. t.0 = t.1
  3. // Now t is (20, 20, 30) (tは、現在 (20, 20, 30)です)

The members of a module access the top-level declarations of that module.

To distinguish between methods or initializers whose names differ only by the names of their arguments, include the argument names in parentheses, with each argument name followed by a colon (:). Write an underscore (_) for an argument with no name. To distinguish between overloaded methods, use a type annotation. For example:

  1. class SomeClass {
  2. func someMethod(x: Int, y: Int) {}
  3. func someMethod(x: Int, z: Int) {}
  4. func overloadedMethod(x: Int, y: Int) {}
  5. func overloadedMethod(x: Int, y: Bool) {}
  6. }
  7. let instance = SomeClass()
  8. let a = instance.someMethod // Ambiguous (あいまい)
  9. let b = instance.someMethod(x:y:) // Unambiguous (あいまいさ無し)
  10. let d = instance.overloadedMethod // Ambiguous (あいまい)
  11. let d = instance.overloadedMethod(x:y:) // Still ambiguous (依然あいまい)
  12. let d: (Int, Bool) -> Void = instance.overloadedMethod(x:y:) // Unambiguous

If a period appears at the beginning of a line, it is understood as part of an explicit member expression, not as an implicit member expression. For example, the following listing shows chained method calls split over several lines:

  1. let x = [10, 3, 20, 15, 4]
  2. .sorted()
  3. .filter { $0 > 5 }
  4. .map { $0 * 100 }

Grammar of an explicit member expression

explicit-member-expression postfix-expression­decimal-digits­

explicit-member-expression postfix-expression­identifier­generic-argument-clause­opt­

explicit-member-expression postfix-expression­identifier­argument-names­

argument-names argument-name­argument-names­opt­

argument-name identifier­

Postfix Self Expression

A postfix self expression consists of an expression or the name of a type, immediately followed by .self. It has the following forms:

  • expression.self
  • type.self

The first form evaluates to the value of the expression. For example, x.self evaluates to x.

The second form evaluates to the value of the type. Use this form to access a type as a value. For example, because SomeClass.self evaluates to the SomeClass type itself, you can pass it to a function or method that accepts a type-level argument.

Grammar of a self expression

postfix-self-expression postfix-expression­self­

Subscript Expression

A subscript expression provides subscript access using the getter and setter of the corresponding subscript declaration. It has the following form:

  • expression[index expressions]

To evaluate the value of a subscript expression, the subscript getter for the expression’s type is called with the index expressions passed as the subscript parameters. To set its value, the subscript setter is called in the same way.

For information about subscript declarations, see Protocol Subscript Declaration.

Grammar of a subscript expression

subscript-expression postfix-expression­function-call-argument-list­

Forced-Value Expression

A forced-value expression unwraps an optional value that you are certain is not nil. It has the following form:

  • expression!

If the value of the expression is not nil, the optional value is unwrapped and returned with the corresponding nonoptional type. Otherwise, a runtime error is raised.

The unwrapped value of a forced-value expression can be modified, either by mutating the value itself, or by assigning to one of the value’s members. For example:

  1. var x: Int? = 0
  2. x! += 1
  3. // x is now 1
  4. var someDictionary = ["a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [10, 20]]
  5. someDictionary["a"]![0] = 100
  6. // someDictionary is now ["b": [10, 20], "a": [100, 2, 3]] (someDictionaryは、現在["b": [10, 20], "a": [100, 2, 3]]です)

Grammar of a forced-value expression

forced-value-expression postfix-expression­

Optional-Chaining Expression

An optional-chaining expression provides a simplified syntax for using optional values in postfix expressions. It has the following form:

  • expression?

The postfix ? operator makes an optional-chaining expression from an expression without changing the expression’s value.

Optional-chaining expressions must appear within a postfix expression, and they cause the postfix expression to be evaluated in a special way. If the value of the optional-chaining expression is nil, all of the other operations in the postfix expression are ignored and the entire postfix expression evaluates to nil. If the value of the optional-chaining expression is not nil, the value of the optional-chaining expression is unwrapped and used to evaluate the rest of the postfix expression. In either case, the value of the postfix expression is still of an optional type.

If a postfix expression that contains an optional-chaining expression is nested inside other postfix expressions, only the outermost expression returns an optional type. In the example below, when c is not nil, its value is unwrapped and used to evaluate .property, the value of which is used to evaluate .performAction(). The entire expression c?.property.performAction() has a value of an optional type.

  1. var c: SomeClass?
  2. var result: Bool? = c?.property.performAction()

The following example shows the behavior of the example above without using optional chaining.

  1. var result: Bool?
  2. if let unwrappedC = c {
  3. result =
  4. }

The unwrapped value of an optional-chaining expression can be modified, either by mutating the value itself, or by assigning to one of the value’s members. If the value of the optional-chaining expression is nil, the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment operator is not evaluated. For example:

  1. func someFunctionWithSideEffects() -> Int {
  2. return 42 // No actual side effects. (実際の副作用なし)
  3. }
  4. var someDictionary = ["a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [10, 20]]
  5. someDictionary["not here"]?[0] = someFunctionWithSideEffects()
  6. // someFunctionWithSideEffects is not evaluated (someFunctionWithSideEffectsは、評価されません。)
  7. // someDictionary is still ["b": [10, 20], "a": [1, 2, 3]] (someDictionaryは、依然として["b": [10, 20], "a": [1, 2, 3]]です)
  8. someDictionary["a"]?[0] = someFunctionWithSideEffects()
  9. // someFunctionWithSideEffects is evaluated and returns 42 (someFunctionWithSideEffectsは、評価されて42を返します)
  10. // someDictionary is now ["b": [10, 20], "a": [42, 2, 3]] (someDictionaryは、現在["b": [10, 20], "a": [42, 2, 3]]です)

Grammar of an optional-chaining expression

optional-chaining-expression postfix-expression­